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Smok TFV8 Baby Beast – Q2 core 0.6ohm dual coil


Smok TFV8 Baby Q2 Coil.

0.6ohm Dual coil for TFV8 Baby Beast Tank

Read below for more information.

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Q2 Dual Coil for TFV8

Smok Q2 0.6Ω Coil. For use with the TFV8 Baby Beast tank, or TFV8 Big Baby with the adapter.

With Dual coils, this setup provides deep rich clouds. The dual coil build gives an airier draw, but still produces huge vapour clouds.

Vape range: 20-50w  Best: 30-40w


The TFV8 family

More on Coils….

The more coils you have per atomiser the more flavour. The cost to this is that you will need to allow more time for the Eliquid to soak prior to first use.

Ecig Switch recommends leaving at least an hour per coil for the cotton to absorb the Eliquids fully then break the coil in by starting on a very gentle power setting, say 12 watts. This may produce no vapour at all but will warm the Eliquids, making it runny and able to soak through capillary action faster. Gradually increase the wattage over the next hour for a double win. Not only does your atomiser last so much longer, it tastes better per puff too.
A good practice is to leave the coils to soak overnight prior to usage then break in gently as above.